Creating Meta App

In this section we will learn how to create a new Meta App. A Meta is is required to enable WhatsApp cloud API, hence this is a very essential step towards setting up EasySocial WhatsApp Chatbot.

Prerequisites :-

Meta Business Manager Account Meta Developer Account

Creating The Meta / Facebook App

  1. Open
  2. Login with your Facebook account
  3. Click on "My Apps" on the top menu.
  4. Click on "Create App" button on top right of the page.

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  1. From the list of app categories select "Business" and hit Next. dev 5.jpg
  2. Enter the basic details related to your app like the name of the app, app contact email and choose the associated Meta Business Manager Account. Then click on "Create App" button. dev 6.jpg

Its that easy! Your app is ready for set-up!

Configuring WhatsApp Cloud API in Meta App

  1. Click on the App that you just created and it will take you to a screen where you would be asked to "Add Products to your App".
  2. Scroll down on this page until you see WhatsApp Card, click on "Set up" button present at the bottom of the WhatsApp card. dev 7.jpg
  3. This will display a Screen with select box to choose an associated Meta Business Account to WhatsApp Business Platform API. Simply click on "Continue". It will bring you to a Quickstart page, click on "Start using the API" button.

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Adding Phone Number to WhatsApp Business Platform API Display Name Approval for WhatsApp Cloud API How to check the if a Display Name has been Approved for WhatsApp Cloud API