How to check if a Display Name has been Approved for WhatsApp Cloud API

Please follow these steps to check if a display name has been approved for WhatsApp Cloud API.


  • Go to "Configuration" menu under the WhatsApp section in your Meta App. display 1.jpg
  • On Configurations page click on "Manage phone number" , this takes you to WhatsApp Manger account. display 2.jpg
  • In the left navigation, go to "Phone number" menu.
  • Here you will see a list of phone numbers connected to your account.
  • In the certificate column, you might see "Pending for review" status if you have recently submitted your display name for review / added phone number to WhatsApp cloud API. display 3.jpg
  • When your display name gets approved or rejected, a "View" button will appear under the certificate column. Click on "View" button, and this should open up a pop up. display 4.jpg

This pop-up will show you the latest status of your Display Name.