Migrating Number from WhatsApp Cloud API or BSP

In case you already have a WhatsApp Cloud API account, or you have WhatsApp API registered via a BSP and now wish to migrate to EasySocial, you would need to follow the following steps. 

With this migration you will be able to 

  • Retain Display Name
  • Retain Messaging Tier Level
  • Retain OBA (Official Business Account Status) - Green Tick
  • Retain Templates
  • Retain Health and Quality ratings

Let's learn how the migration can be completed in under 10 minutes. It comprises of two steps, first you would have to release the number from existing WABA from cloud API or a BSP (Business Service Provider) eg, Gupshup, Twillio, Wati, 360 Dialog etc. And the next step involves registering a new WABA with EasySocial and linking your old number with it.

STEP 1. Releasing your number for migration

  1. Go to https://business.facebook.com/settings/whatsapp-business-accounts/
  2. This will open a page that shows all your WhatsApp Business Manager accounts, Click on the business that contains the number you would like to migrate. 

  3. When you click on the Business Manager Account, it will show a list of WhatsApp accounts, you can click on the WhatsApp account that you wish to migrate.

  4. Now you should be able to see tabs related to your selected account, click on the tab called "Settings". In that tab, scroll down to the bottom and click on "WhatsApp Manager". If you are working on a small screen, try to hit "Ctrl -" to zoom out, and you will be able to see this button.

  5. WhatsApp Manger will open in a new page. Click on the Display Name for the number that you wish to migrate.

  6. Now "Phone numbers" page will open in a new tab. Click on "Two-step verification" menu.

  7. Click on "Turn-off two-step" verification button.

  8.  You will now see a confirmation box, click on "OK".  You will now receive an email with a link to turn off Two-step verification. Please check your registered email.

  9. Click on the link provided in your Email. This will lead you to a screen as shown below, click on "TURN OFF TWO-STEP VERIFICATION" button.

  10. Now your Two-Step verification is turned off and your number is ready to be migrated.

NOTE: If you are migrating from a BSP, after you complete these steps. Double check if your Two-Step verification is successfully turned off or not, sometimes it gives a false positive, this happens because some BSP's restrict your account and you will not be able to release your account on your own. You will have to contact their customer support for releasing your account, after which you would be able to complete these steps.

Migrating from Gupshup WhatsApp API: You must email Gupshup customer support to unlock your account so that you would be able to disable two-step verification.


STEP 2. Completing Sign Up & Migration

  1. Go to app.easysocial.io
  2. Sign-up if you have not done so. ( We have a lifetime free account, check details  )
  3. Once signed in you will be prompted to link WhatsApp API to EasySocial. Click on "Link WhatsApp Cloud API" button.

  4. You will be taken to the following page. Click on the checkbox and proceed with Facebook Login.

  5. A pop up window will appear. In this window you will be prompted to give your consent to EasySocial (EvolveNext Technologies Pvt Ltd) to get your profile details. Click on Continue button.

  6. In the next screen, you need to give permission to mange (WABA) WhastAppAPI and billing account on your behalf. Click on "Get Started".

  7. In the next screen, select your Meta Business Manager account in which you would like to migrate the number, ensure its the same Business Manager account from where you want to migrate your WABA. Remember, you can not migrate number between different Meta Businesses Manager accounts.  Click Next.

  8. On the next screen, under the Choose WhatsApp Account open select the first option, which is "Create WhatsApp Business Account". In the next drop down menu, Create or Select WhatsApp Business Profile select the first option which is "Create a new WhatsApp Profile", then click on Next.

  9. Now you need to enter the details for your new WABA account to create a new WABA.

    1. Enter WhatsApp business account name, suffix the name with any identification like (ES or the phone number itself) this will make it easy for you to identify youe WABA account more easily. 
    eg. If your business name is "ABC Industries", 
    keep the WABA Name as ABC Industries - ES or ABC Industries - 91999999999 

    2. Enter the WABA Display name, this should be exactly the same as the display name for the number that you are migrating to EasySocial.

    3. Enter your timezone

    4. Enter your business category

  10. Enter phone number that you want to migrate, ensure that you have followed the instructions shared below, and the two-step verification is turned off. Once you enter the number here, get your number verified with an OTP delivered on Text message or Phone call and click on next. 


  11. This should successfully conclude the migration process. In case you face any difficulties, write to us on support@easysocial.io we will be happy to assist you via a virtual meeting. 

We wish you a splendid marketing automation journey with EasySocial! With our exceptional platform, class leading features, and extraordinary customer support we would ensure that you would not have to migrate this number again with any other service provider ;)