User info update

To update a user's details, the user ID can be used. 

Step 1 : Once you have the user ID of the user whose details need to be updated, the User Edit Auth API will be triggered.


?userId: This field needs to be updated with the user id of the user.

Sample response 

  "status": 200,
  "success": true,
  "message": "success",
  "payload": "/api/XXXX/update?signature=eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiL2FwaS9YWFhYL3VwZGF0ZSIsImV4cGlyeURhdGUiOiIyMDI0LTA5LTI1VDEyOjA1OjM2LjMwN1oifQ.6axAH_uxQVL4opNtJVHiagV0pfJqLev5mkOHdLSA-Mo"

Step 2: With the signature generated  from the previous API call(step 1) and the user's id, you can now call the User Update API to update the required details of the user.


Sample response \
token: 466d2e086a8f4f24bcb7dca0789fee\
    "name" : "Demo",
    "mobile_number": "+91XXXXXXXXXX",
    "email": "",
    "address": "xxxxx",
    "city": "xxxxxx",
    "state": "xxxx",
    "country": "xxxxxx",
    "pin_code": 123456

Key Parameters 

  1. Token : The "Partner API access token" to authenticate the request.
  2. User Id: User Id is a unique identifier given by EasySocial for each user.